


Glossary of Terms

CBO – Community-Based Organization
A public or private nonprofit organization of demonstrated effectiveness that is representative of a community or significant segments of a community and provides educational or related services to individuals in the community.

CDBG – Community Development Block Grant Program
A flexible federal program (administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Development) that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. Established in 1974, the CDBG program is one of the longest continuously run programs at HUD. It provides annual grants on a formula basis to 1209 units of local government and States.

CFDA – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
An online database of all federal programs available to state, local governments, federally recognized Indian tribal governments, territories and possessions of the United States, domestic public, quasi-public, and private and nonprofit organizations and institutions, specialized groups and individuals.

Funding Opportunity Announcement
A publicly available document by which a federal agency makes known its intentions to award discretionary grants or cooperative agreements, usually a result of competition for funds. Funding Opportunity Announcements may also be known as Program Announcements (PA), Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA), solicitations, or other names depending on the agency or type of program.

FBO – Faith-Based Organization
A religious congregation such as a church, mosque, synagogue, or temple; an organization, program, or project sponsored/hosted by a religious congregation (may be incorporated or unincorporated);
a nonprofit organization founded by a religious congregation or religiously-motivated incorporators and board members that clearly states in its name, incorporation, or mission statement that it is a religiously motivated institution

An award of financial assistance, the principal purpose of which is to transfer a thing of value from a federal agency, foundation or other funding entity to an eligible recipient to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by a law of the United States (see 31 U.S.C. 6101(3)). A grant is distinguished in that it is a form of funding that does not require repayment.

HUD – Department of Housing and Urban Development
One of 26 federal agencies, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is responsible for administering programs that provide housing and community development assistance. The Department also works to ensure fair and equal housing opportunities for all.

IHE – Institution of Higher Education
A College or University organized for the purpose of providing post-secondary education.

LEA – Local Education Agency –
A local public school district, private school, charter school or other educational system organized for the purpose of providing education to students at the K-12 level.

NOFA – Notice of Funding Availability
See Funding Opportunity Announcement

Non-Profit Organization – An incorporated organization which primarily exists for educational or charitable purposes that benefit the public, and from which its trustees do not benefit financially. Any money earned by a non-profit must be retained by the organization and used for its own expenses, operations, and programs. Many non-profit organizations also seek tax-exempt status under Section 501c of the United States Tax Code, making it exempt from taxation and able to receive financial contributions from donors which are also not subject to taxation.

PA – Program Announcement
See Funding Opportunity Announcement

RFP – Request for Proposals
Issued by a government agency, foundation or other funding entity, an RFP is a formal request for proposals from organizations that are eligible to be funded under the issuing entity’s guidelines and funding criteria. The purpose of the RFP is to solicit fundable proposals from which grant awards can be made.

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